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Celebrating the comeback of the red-cockaded woodpecker

Red Cockaded Woodpecker perched on a tree

Southern Company, along with its subsidiaries Alabama Power, Georgia Power, Mississippi Power and Virginia Natural Gas, is proud to celebrate the remarkable recovery of the red-cockaded woodpecker (RCW), which has been downlisted from endangered to threatened under the Endangered Species Act.  

This achievement marks more than 50 years of dedicated conservation efforts by a coalition of federal and state agencies, private landowners and conservation groups. 

“The recovery of the red-cockaded woodpecker exemplifies the power of public-private partnerships in achieving significant conservation milestones,” said Dr. Mark Berry, senior vice president of Southern Company Services research, environment and sustainability. “Southern Company’s dedication to environmental stewardship and collaborative conservation efforts underscores our commitment to preserving biodiversity and protecting our natural heritage. We remain steadfast in our efforts to ensure that the RCW and other species continue to thrive for generations to come.” 

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recently announced this milestone, recognizing the collaborative efforts that have helped increase the RCW population. Known for its distinctive black-and-white plumage with a red streak in males, the bird has found sanctuary across Southern Company’s territory, including longleaf pine forests restored across the Southeast. 

In 2008, Georgia Power and Southern Company provided funding to assist the state of Georgia in purchasing the 9,200-acre Silver Lake Wildlife Management Area to focus on supporting the RCW. The tract contains extensive stands of mature longleaf pine habitat where more than 21 RCW family groups are found today.  

The company also supported emergency habitat recovery efforts after Hurricane Michael in 2018 and provides habitat adjacent to Plant Hatch as part of the Georgia Department of Natural Resource’s Safe Harbor program. In total, Georgia Power has played a vital role in restoring more than 1 million acres of longleaf pine forests across the state, providing essential habitat for the RCW.  

Alabama Power has been instrumental in creating a safe habitat for the RCW at Lake Mitchell. The company's efforts include prescribed, controlled burns and the installation of artificial cavity inserts to provide the woodpeckers with ready nests. These initiatives have significantly contributed to the bird's population growth in Alabama. 

The downlisting of the RCW is a significant achievement, but the work continues. Southern Company and its subsidiaries remain committed to ongoing conservation efforts to ensure the RCW not only survives but thrives for generations to come.