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Virginia Natural Gas drive-thru food drive benefits community food banks

Virginia Natural Gas worker

<p>Team members from Virginia Natural Gas (VNG) came together to host drive-thru food drives at multiple VNG locations to support the needs of two local foodbanks. Through the generosity of our employees, community members and customers, VNG was able to load trucks from each Foodbank with much-needed food items to help combat hunger across our territory. The nearly 3,000 pounds of food and more than $1,000 in cash collectively combined to provide more than 6,000 meals for those in need during the COVID-19 pandemic.&nbsp;</p>
<p>Virginia Natural Gas received television coverage from all three local broadcast stations;&nbsp;WTKR News 3 (CBS), WAVY News 10 (NBC) and WVEC 13 News Now (ABC), promoting the food drive in advance and coverage during and after the event.&nbsp;&nbsp;VNG also received coverage from eight local radio stations. Radio stations WNOB and WUSH conducted Facebook live sessions, including an interview with VNG President Jim Kibler, providing awareness of the food drive to more than 7,000 viewers.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
<p>The TV coverage Virginia Natural Gas received has an estimated publicity value of more than $20,000. See below for samples of the coverage.</p>
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Virginia Natural Gas helping curb meal insecurity with drive-thru food drive</a></p>
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Drive-thru food drive benefits Hampton Roads foodbanks</a></p>