Pursuant to an Order of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Southern Company Services, Inc., 117 FERC 61,021, Docket No. EL05-102-000 (Oct. 5, 2006), and paragraph 6 of the Separation of Functions and Communications Protocol (Separation Protocol), Southern Companies are required to post any violation of the Separation Protocol on OASIS in a manner consistent with the process under the Standards of Conduct. Such violations are posted below:
“Change in status from RS to MO; Barry 6 must be OL and Stable.”
(Posted 12/12/2024)
"Plant Scherer is scheduled to go live in October after their outage is over."
(Posted 9/16/2024)
The employees opened the attachment, but upon doing so, recognized the nature of the contents and immediately closed it and deleted the email without viewing or disseminating any data contained therein.
(Posted 8/14/2024)
Scrubber foaming issue at Plant Miller resulted in Unit 4 trip on 1/21. Foaming in the scrubber is believed to have resulted in a false level indication in the JBR. The level was higher than indicated which resulted in an increase in back pressure which tripped both ID Booster fans. The bypass damper stuck at 8% open and caused an overpressurizaiton of the ID fan ductwork and blew out all 4 ID Fan expansion joints. RCA to be conducted and shared with the system on lessons learned.
Scherer 3 “A” FD fan motor trip after fire system deployed, likely result of dry system bulb crack due to cold temperatures, 400 MW derate. And ~40 MWs peak capacity impact. Review and make recommendations if fire system design or winter checklists should be revised.
Brief Description
Walnut Grove - Inverter Overcurrent HW Fault, Control Fault
Full Description
Walnut Grove - We received three alarms: Inverter Overcurrent HW Fault, Control Fault: Controller Program, Inverter Fault Active. Site Control Inverter Status was Inverter Faulted. The Recloser was Closed, the Ground Switch was Tripped, the AC Disconnect was Closed, the AC Contactor was Tripped, and the DC contactor was Tripped. I placed the Site in Shutdown, Operating Mode was placed in Manual. I reset the Inverter Fault, then the Controller Fault. Inverter Status changed to PQ Ready. The Site was placed back into RUN with an Operating Mode of Solar Pluss Bess. The Inverter Status went to Running PQ. All alarms cleared. Consulted with Stan Houston regarding the issue. Based upon the alarms, status of the switches, and equipment it appears to have been a site issue, not an external issue.
Plant / Unit
Walnut Grove Microgrid 1
Event Date
4/18/2024 6:44 PM
(Posted 04/24/2024)
How would April 16th for unit 6 and April 23rd for unit 7 capacity.
(Posted 1/29/2024)
(Posted 11/27/2023)
SCS, as agent for APC, GPC, and MPC, executed a wholesale contract to sell 500 MW of capacity. Total associated fixed revenues for the companies will be approximately $120 million over the term of the contract. Additional undetermined energy revenues will be recognized as any associated energy is delivered.
(Posted 11/15/2023)
(Posted October 11, 2022)
Greene Ct req 3 cts online in AGC for the system load @ this time
(Posted June 27, 2022)
On March 17, 2022, the following information was inadvertently provided to a Southern Power employees regarding Plant Daniel:
Daniel 4 req to FP
(Posted March 18, 2022)
On February 21 and 22, 2022, the following information was inadvertently provided to a Southern Power employee regarding Plant McIntosh:
10B GT BREAKER Alert: 10B-GEN-BKR-TRP - OPENED at 02/21/22 23:25
10A GT BREAKER Alert: 10A-GEN-BKR-TRP - OPENED at 02/22/22 08:11
10ST BREAKER Alert: 10S-GEN-BKR-TRP - OPENED at 02/22/22 08:13
(Posted February 23, 2022)
This is the current approved 2022 Fleet Outage Schedules for McIntosh Combustion Turbines
7 days |
3/1/2022 |
3/7/2022 |
7 days |
3/1/2022 |
3/7/2022 |
47 days |
6/4/2022 |
7/20/2022 |
12 days |
9/16/2022 |
9/27/2022 |
12 days |
9/28/2022 |
10/9/2022 |
12 days |
10/10/2022 |
10/21/2022 |
(Posted January 5, 2022)